Morgan Gilhuly Moderated Vapor Intrusion Panel at State Bar Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite
By R. Morgan Gilhuly
October 22, 2016
On October 22, 2016, Morgan Gilhuly served as Panel Moderator for a discussion entitled “Vapor Intrusion: Current Regulatory Status and Implications of the New Short-Term Trichlorethylene (TCE) Screening Levels" at the State Bar of California's Environmental Law Section Conference in Yosemite.
Panel description: Vapor intrusion has become a major driver at hazardous waste sites throughout California and has impacted both environmental clean-ups and real estate transactions. In particular, the USEPA Region 9 policy on short-term exposures to trichloroethylene (TCE) in indoor air has led to increased scrutiny of site investigations and, in some cases, has accelerated remediation activities. This panel will discuss the recent changes in USEPA policy regarding vapor intrusion and in particular how the emphasis on short term TCE exposures has changed how sites are prioritized and investigated. Perspectives will be provided by all sides of the vapor intrusion discussion including both the regulatory and regulated community.
Moderator: Morgan Gilhuly, Attorney, Barg, Coffin, Lewis & Trapp, LLP, San Francisco
• Elizabeth Brown, Corporate Counsel, EHS and Real Estate, Northrop Grumman Corporation, El Segundo
• Dustin Minor, Chief, Hazardous Waste Branch Office of Regional Counsel, Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco
• Nadine Weinberg, Partner, ERM, Portland, Maine